Est. 2011
The Westside Bar Association's purpose was to break free of the monotony and stagnation that was often found at professional events. To that end, we handcraft our gatherings to provide an engaging experience that our members look forward to.
Organic Networking
Our mixers are designed to have a warm and organic feel. Gone are the days of forced conversations and awkward handshakes. Instead, our members enjoy a welcoming crowd full of community regulars. The events are hosted at chic and upscale venues throughout Los Angeles and all legal professionals, from 1L law students to retired judges, are welcome.
Informative and Engaging Seminars
Our seminars are designed to stand out from the rest. Each event is handcrafted with our members wants and needs in mind. We provide invaluable insights from legendary attorneys within the Los Angeles legal community, but we do it with energy and excitement in the air. For example, our annual consumer law event, 'Clash of the Titans' allows three decorated trial attorneys to compete for the best closing argument. The audience then votes on the winner, creating both an informative and engaging experience.


Daniel Forouzan, Esq.
Founder, President
Chair of Consumer Division

Louis J. Shapiro, Esq.
Chair of Criminal Division

Eliza Ghanooni, Esq.
Chair of Bankruptcy Division

Steven Chung, Esq.
Chair of Tax Division

Catherine Tang, Esq.
Intellectual Property Chair